How to ride the wave

We’re all coming to terms with the face that Covid-19 will continue to be part of our ‘norm’ going forward. As unfortunate as it is, we need to adapt to a new way of working. In and out of the office. Staff members isolating at home, precautions to keep people safe. So we thought we’d get together our top tips for ‘riding the wave’.

  • Speak to your employees or do an anonymous survey to find out how they’re feeling about Covid-19

  • Get an office policy drawn up for all potential situations

  • Establish a company wide hybrid working policy

  • Get all the software and tools you need to allow your team to work from home if they need to

  • Use a VOIP phone system which can be installed on smartphones and laptops, not just desk phones

  • Introduce instant messaging for quick conversations between colleagues

  • Make sure you have a cloud-based server or VPN for your staff to access everything they need from home

  • Have a collaboration platform which allows you to work simultaneously on documents with teammates, as well as video call and store files

  • Ask your team to take their equipment home with them each night, just in case they need to work from home

  • Always be prepared for more working from home advice in the future!

We’re here to help you ride the wave. We know it’s taken a huge toll on individuals and businesses, so just know we’re here to do all we can to support you.


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