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How to ride the wave

  • Speak to your employees or do an anonymous survey to find out how they’re feeling about Covid-19

  • Get an office policy drawn up for all potential situations

  • Establish a company wide hybrid working policy

  • Get all the software and tools you need to allow your team to work from home if they need to

  • Use a VOIP phone system which can be installed on smartphones and laptops, not just desk phones

  • Introduce instant messaging for quick conversations between colleagues

  • Make sure you have a cloud-based server or VPN for your staff to access everything they need from home

  • Have a collaboration platform which allows you to work simultaneously on documents with teammates, as well as video call and store files

  • Ask your team to take their equipment home with them each night, just in case they need to work from home

  • Always be prepared for more working from home advice in the future!

We’re here to help you ride the wave. We know it’s taken a huge toll on individuals and businesses, so just know we’re here to do all we can to support you.