Tips for Staying Safe Online 

In celebration of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, we wanted to share with you our top tips to staying safe online.

We know you’re probably guilty of using the same password multiple times, so stop there! You should change your passwords regularly and never reuse the same one multiple times. There are several password management tools to help you stay organised.

Turning on multi-factor authentication will make it twice as hard for criminals to log into your account – double the safety.

Social Media
Keep your social media profiles private and try not to overshare! Remember you leave a digital footprint online, so keep it minimal.

Router Updates
Changing your router password regularly is a great way to up your security and ensure it has a high difficulty score!

Mobile Safety
You should take similar precautions when it comes to your mobile device. Keep your device up to date – software companies like Apple are continuously introducing updates to keep you safe.

Be Vigilant
Always be cautious – whether this is about the sites you are visiting and clicking through to, or emails you receive, always double check and be sure it’s genuine.

These are just some of our top tips to staying safe online. If you’d like more advice, simply give us a call or drop an email – we’d love to help.


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